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Terms of service

Prohibited acts from your server

  • Upload any .dll, .exe .cmd .jar .vbs .bat and similar malicious files
  • Use auto-connect plugins
  • Modify GameMenu, VGUI or practice any other forms of slowhacking
  • Bind any default keys (W, A, S, D, SPACE, SHIFT, TAB), or to bind any forbidden cmds including CONNECT and SAY
  • Boost fake servers
  • Use any form of redirect
  • Send any CMDs via SVC_DIRECTOR
  • Change client rates (cl_updaterate, cl_cmdrate etc)
  • Use plugins that destroy player's game, like Pika, GameDestroyer, etc

In case of violating any of these rules your services will be canceled without notice and server will be blacklisted to block it from purchasing any of our services in the future.